Reasons for Vueway's high kinetic stability

Step 1

The VUEWAY® molecule is characterized by high conformational rigidity due to its macrocyclic structure.

Molecule Illustration
Step 2

The addition of small hydrophilic, polyalcohol pendant arms to the ligand structure introduces an additional steric constraint (slowing of chemical reactions due to steric bulk), thus further enhancing the ligand's conformational rigidity and stability.


The result?

Gadopiclenol: the highest kinetic stability 
of all GBCAs today1

Table Kinetic stability



1 Robic C, Port M, Rousseaux O, et al. Physicochemical and Pharmacokinetic Profiles of GadopiclenolA New Macrocyclic Gadolinium Chelate with High T1 Relaxivity. Invest Radiol 2019; 54: 475-484.

2 VUEWAY® (gadopiclenol) SmPC, EMA, 10/2022.

3 DOTAREM® (gadoterate meglumine) SmPC 07/2022.

4 CLARISCAN™ (gadoterate meglumine) SmPC UK, 05/2023.

5 GADOVIST® (gadobutrol) SmPC, 07/2022.

6 ProHance® (gadoteridol) SmPC UK, 11/2022.